Sunday, January 29, 2012

Dreamweaver 5.5 - viewing android app in emulator

If an app will not load from dreamweaver into the android emulator and the following error show in the build.log

Install file not specified.
'ant install' now requires the build target to be specified as well.
ant debug install
ant release install
ant instrument install
This will build the given package and install it.
Alternatively, you can use
ant installd
ant installr
ant installi
ant installt
to only install an existing package (this will not rebuild the package.)

find the build.xml file, located in the target directory of the app that was being built...
at the end of the file alter the line

<import file="${sdk.dir}/tools/ant/build.xml" />


<import file="${sdk.dir}/tools/ant/build.xml" as="imported" />

<!-- Override the target to add the dependency -->
<target name="install"
depends="-set-debug-files,imported.install" />

As explained here , something to do with the the most recent Android SDK has an extra parameter that is not yet supported by the PhoneGap integration kit in Dreamweaver. n.b. Before attempting to build and emulate again, the files in the bin folder of the target directory must be deleted.

Another error can occur if more than one emulator/device is running, so for example if an android phone is plugged in via usb and an emulator also running, the app will not load in either, so just run one at a time.

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